Multiple Choice Questions on Cell Cycle

Q1. Which of the following choice is incorrect in relation to the interphase stage?a) Period of great metabolic activityb) It covers over 95% of the total duration of cell cyclec) Absence of replication of DNAd) Also called as preparatory phaseQ2. Duplication of DNA occurs in:a) G1 phaseb) S phasec) G2 phased) M phaseQ3. If cell division is restricted in G1 phase of a cell cycle, the condition is...

How the Cell Cycle is Controlled?

Cell cycle is run by a group of special proteins, called Cyclins and Cdks (cyclin dependent kinases). A cell reproduces by performing an orderly set sequences of irreversible events in which it duplicates its contents and then divide into two. These events are collectively called as cell cycle.Molecular...

Measures of DNA Content and Chromosome Content

The amount of DNA within a cell change following each of the following events: Fertilization DNA synthesis Mitosis Meiosis We use ‘C’ to represent DNA content in a cell and ‘N’ to represent the number of complete sets of chromosomes. In a gamete -- the amount of DNA is say, 1C And the number of...

What is Cell Cycle? What are the Different Phases of a Cell Cycle?

Complete lifecycle of a cell is called the cell cycle. In other words, it is an orderly series of changes that occurs in a cell by which the cell duplicates its genetic material along with that it duplicates other content; finally, it divides and results in the formation of two daughter cells. An interphase...

Where to Take Admission for MBBS Course?

Students preparing for medical entrance tests must be thinking about where to take admission for MBBS course. Well, it's a very genuine question that would strike in every student's mind. I think every student must be aware of two medical entrance tests: the first one is AIPMT (All India Pre-medical Test), which is conducted by CBSE and the other one is AIIMS (All India Institute of Medical Sciences)....

List of Private Medical Colleges in India

Dear Students, in the last post, I had mentioned the list of government medical colleges where students can take admission to MBBS first year through an All India Pre-Medical Test. Besides, there are many private medical colleges in India where students can either take admission directly or through an entrance test. Since the list of private medical colleges in India is very large, I have considered...

List of Medical Entrance Exams in India

Dear Students, if you’re reading this post, then you must be aspiring to become a doctor. Well, it is very important to gather information regarding the number of medical entrance exams in India. My aim is to give you the right information regarding the different medical entrance tests that are being conducted on All India basis. In this post, I’m considering government colleges only; however, there...

Which Stage of Meiosis I is called Bouquet Stage?

Leptotene is the first stage of Prophase I of meiosis I. It is called Bouquet Stage because of the following reasons: During Leptotene, chromatin condenses to form chromosomes Each chromosome has two chromatids and they are not distinct The telomeric ends of chromosomes converge towards one side of...