How to Calculate the Number of ATP Produced During Beta Oxidation of Fatty Acids?

Beta oxidation of fatty acids takes place in the mitochondrial matrix. And there are three stages of beta-oxidation: a) In the first step, the fatty acid undergoes oxidative removal of successive 2C units in the form of acetyl-CoA, starting from the carboxyl end of the fatty acyl chain. For example, palmitic acid (16C) undergoes 7 passes through the oxidation sequence. At the end of the cycle, the...

Multiple Choice Questions on Transport in Plants (Chapter 11, NCERT)

Q1. In flowering plants the substances that would need to be transported are: a)      Water b)      Mineral nutrients c)       Organic nutrients d)      Phytohormones e)      All of the above Q2. Over small distances, substances move by: a)     ...