Why Do Animals Hibernate?
Hibernation is called “winter
sleep” in which animals go into a state of inactivity due to cold environmental
temperature, short day lengths and limitations of food. It is a survival strategy
that animals adopt when the food availability is scarce or difficult to find
during a chilly winter season.
During hibernation, animals lower
their metabolic processes; it allows animals to use body’s energy...
What is Hole in the Heart?
Digestive System Practice Questions
Q1. A gap between teeth is called:
a) Diastema b) Peristoma c) Dentosa d) Geostema
Q2. Peristalsis occurs in:
a) Stomach b) Esophagus c) Ileum d) Jejunum
Q3. Gastro-esophageal sphincter is present between:
a) Esophagus and stomach b) Stomach and duodenum
c) Duodenum and pancreas d) between duodenum and jejunum
Q4. Zymogen cells secrete:
a) Mucus b) Pepsinogen c) Pepsin...
What is Apomixis and Polyembryony?

In a normal sexual cycle (amphimixis), the megaspore mother cell (2n) of ovule is converted to haploid gametophytic cells (embryo sac) through meiosis (reductional division). This results in the formation of an egg cell, synergids, antipodal cells and polar nuclei cell. Egg fertilizes with the male...