There are four different types of inheritance that are considered in pedigree analysis. These are mentioned below:
Autosomal Dominant
(Examples: Polycystic kidney disease, Huntington's disease, hereditary spherocytosis)
Autosomal Recessive
(Examples: Sickle cell anemia,cystic fibrosis, Tay-Sachs...
Q1. An individual with cd genes was crossed with wild type + +. On test crossing F1, the progeny was + c 105, + d 115, cd 880, and + + 900. Distance between cd genes is:
a. 11 map units
b. 5.5 map units
c. 44 map units
d. 88 map units
Solution: The simplest way to solve this problem...
Thomas Hunt Morgan and his colleagues discovered the variation that arises due to sexual reproduction. Morgan worked on Drosophila.
Why Drosophila to study linkage and recombination?
Small genome size with only 4 pairs of chromosomes
Genome size = 1.2 x 10^8 bp (approx 14,000 genes)